Driftwood Turns to Podcasting

We are perhaps negligent, if not at least tardy, in announcing Driftwood's move to produce Audio Drama Podcasts, especially since we are already several episodes into Season 1.

Being a small community theatre adventure without a stage of our own has made producing shows difficult. As such, we decided we could remain active by putting out short plays in the style of old time radio shows. We've dubbed these plays, Driftwood Dramatics Presents and have made them available as podcasts.

The first several were all written and produced by our own Eric J. McAnallen (Mac). But coming up soon, we will be branching out to other playwrights from around the country.

For those of you wondering what goes into producing an audio drama (although in our case, most of them are comedy), let us give you an idea. The Drifters all gather together and rehearse several short plays. And by rehearse, we mean read through to a feel of the characters and get all the laughter out. (Yes, we're looking at you Jenn.) We then take the scripts to Mac's recording studio, which is really his spare bedroom with sound equipment set up in the middle of the room. This is the same place that Mac and Jenn record thier podcast. We perform the script, often times needing to fix flubs, guffaws and oopsies. Mac will then edit the play, adding sound effects, intro and music.

The finished product is then uploaded to the intewebs where we hope you will listen and enjoy.